How to draw Kangaroo 🦘

To draw a kangaroo, follow these steps:

Begin by drawing the basic shape of the kangaroo's body, which is similar to a large pear. Draw  circles for the head ,torso and back.

Sketch the legs and the tail. Kangaroos have strong, muscular legs that are adapted for jumping. Make sure to draw the back legs longer and thicker than the front legs.

Add details to the face, such as the ears, eyes, and snout. Kangaroos have large, pointed ears, and big eyes. The snout should be small and narrow.

You can see the details of Kangaroo face here.

Clean up the stray lines by erasing gently.Your Kangaroo will look like this.

Draw the fur on the kangaroo's body. Kangaroos have short, coarse fur that can be represented with quick, jagged strokes.

Remember, drawing is a skill that requires practice, so don't worry if your kangaroo doesn't look perfect on the first try. Keep practicing, and you'll get better with time!

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