Animal cells are generally small in size and cell wall is absent. Except the protozoan Euglena no animal cell possesses plastids. Vacuoles in animal cells are many and small.
Animal cells have a single highly complex and prominent Golgi apparatus. Let`s draw a typical animal cell. Here we go.

1. Draw a out line of animal cell, put lot of bends as shown to represent flexible plasma membrane.
2.Draw details of nucleus as shown in figure.
3.Draw Cell organelles as shown.
4. Put lot of neat dots to represent cytoplasm.
5. Label the parts neatly as shown.
I really like this way of drawing animal cell. Thanks to developers of this site draw it neat.... Sharing this on Face book is good idea.
This is very useful. All i need to draw is in here. Wow!
Wow kudos to the brain(s) behind this. I'm impressed.
yeah it helped me too!
I am happy to announce Draw it neat eBook is available on amazon.
Really helpful n time saving diagram... Thanks.
Thanks very much
thank yoyu
your welcome
is this a animal cell or a plant cell
is this a animal cell or a plant
i like this way to draw cells
They shows very easy to draw, I draw it very fast and easy, completed my work book. Thanks a lot.
Your welcome
Plant cell
You should try to write a little bigger I barely understand it because of that
Thanks a lot now I have to find another website to find how to draw this diagram. Thanks a lot.��
I will appreciate
Thank you for your help
no animal cell
this is animal cell👆🏻👆🏻
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