The skull is composed of two sets of bones cranial and facial. Cranial bones are 8 in number, facial bones are 14. So, skull is made of total 22 bones. The cranial bones form brain box called Cranium which accommodates the brain. The facial bones give shape to the face. Now, lets see how we can draw a Human skull in simple easy steps.

1. Draw a arbitrary rectangular shape as shown.
2. Draw lower Jaw shape as shown.
3. Merge the two shapes as shown.
4. Draw Now, the shape of fore head, nose,mouth and chin as shown.
5.Erase previous stray lines and darken up.
6. Define the Mandible , Lower Jaw and Upper Jaw as shown.
7. Fill the teeth in the mouth as shown.
8. Draw Eye socket, Ear hole, Nasal hole on skull as shown in the figure.
9. Now carefully mark the different bones on skull.
First draw a round around ear hole. Next divide the space on skull in to three partitions. Mark the Zygomatic bone shape around eye socket.
Next, draw Nasal bone on Nose. Next draw Lacrimal and Ethmoid bones in the eye socket as shown.
If you do little practice you can map the bone locations perfectly.
10. Now along the faint lines draw zig zag pattern to represent the fissures.
11. We have completed the details of skull. Now let's draw the outer skin on the skull.
Draw another line all along the outer boarder or the skull represent the skin on head and face.
2. Draw lower Jaw shape as shown.
3. Merge the two shapes as shown.
4. Draw Now, the shape of fore head, nose,mouth and chin as shown.
5.Erase previous stray lines and darken up.
6. Define the Mandible , Lower Jaw and Upper Jaw as shown.
7. Fill the teeth in the mouth as shown.
8. Draw Eye socket, Ear hole, Nasal hole on skull as shown in the figure.
9. Now carefully mark the different bones on skull.
First draw a round around ear hole. Next divide the space on skull in to three partitions. Mark the Zygomatic bone shape around eye socket.
Next, draw Nasal bone on Nose. Next draw Lacrimal and Ethmoid bones in the eye socket as shown.
If you do little practice you can map the bone locations perfectly.
10. Now along the faint lines draw zig zag pattern to represent the fissures.
11. We have completed the details of skull. Now let's draw the outer skin on the skull.
Draw another line all along the outer boarder or the skull represent the skin on head and face.
Draw the Hyoid bone in the Neck and label the diagram neatly as shown. I assure you'll get full marks
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I am really horrible at drawing but as soon as I saw this website I knew it was the one FOR me. I drew this and as you assured above, I got my full marks. Thank you very much. Teach us more please.
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