How to draw human eye section

Human eye is spherical organ. The front portion is protruding out and it encloses lens, iris. It has three layers namely outer sclera, middle choroid and inner retina. Retina is sensory layer of eye which has millions of  Photo receptors called and Rods and Cones. An optic nerve emerges from lower side of  eye ball.Lens is transparent and is held in position by suspensory ligaments. Entry of light in to eye ball is controlled by Iris which is made up of pigmented smooth muscle.
.Chorioid layer forms transparent cornea before lens.Lets draw the eye ball from a circle. You can make a circle using rounder.

 Step 1:

Draw a  circle and a line through center of circle as shown.
Mark two lines on either sides.
 Step 2:
Erase the portion of  curve.between the two lines.
 Step 3:
Draw an imaginary arch before the eye ball.
Step 4:
Connect the arch on either sides as shown.
 Stop 5:
Clean the extra lines.
 Step 6:
Make a double line along the out line.

 Step 7:

Put a dot to position the lens correctly as shown.

 Step 8:
Draw ciliary muscle on either sides as shown.

 Step 9:
Draw iris as shown.
 Step 10:
Draw suspensory ligaments connecting lens.
 Step 11:
Draw conjunctiva on cornea as shown.

 Step 12:
Draw retina on inner side of the choroid layer.

Step 13:
Erase a little on bottom of eye ball to draw optic nerve.

Step 14:

Draw optic nerve as shown and label the parts neatly.


Sanchit Pokhriyal said...

Awesome. Thanks!

Ananya said...

This genuinely helped me.. Thanks a ton!:D

R said...

That was fantastic !!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

thanks for helping

bhagavathams said...

thank u very very made he drawing of eye very easy compared to the diagram which is given in oue texts.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

It is really very helpful...thank you so much for creating this website😊

Unknown said...

Please keep posting the drawings of other organs heart.....etc

Anonymous said...

Great saved me from a lot of trouble

Unknown said...

Very much thanks to you

Unknown said...

Very much thanks to you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Thanks alot sir u rocked!!!

Unknown said...

What a great drawing

Anonymous said...

You are rocking


Loved it, lovely website, good, keep it up

Unknown said...

Very helpful!! Thanks sir for sharing such an unique way of making diagrams!! Please share drawings of other organs too... ☺👏👏😎😎👍

Author said...

You cam buy the book from

Author said...

You cam buy the book from

Author said...

You cam buy the book from

devi said...

thank you it is really helpful

Unknown said...

thanks a lot

Unknown said...

I do not understand step 7,8and 9

Unknown said...

i am a bio student in 11 grade and it is easy for me to learn theses all
thank you so much

VINOD said...

thanks for helping

Unknown said...

thx bro helped me a lot

Unknown said...

Wow! This is amazing. Well, except the handwriting. Thanks anyway

Unknown said...

thanks this is a great drawing

Unknown said...

Thanks for this drawing

nimi said...

it really helpful

Unknown said...

super yayaa

Unknown said...

OK Thank you very much it really helped me I am very grateful

Unknown said...

thanks allot this was very helpful

Rishav said...

It's a simple but good technique to draw this complicated cross section. Thanks:)

User1234 said...

Little hard but thanks

Aashish pal said...

Xoxo pik thanks for you

n said...

you"re awesome.thanks alot

Drx. Vinay Pandey said...

Thanks 🙏🙏 for help