How to draw internal structure of ear

Ear is the auditory sense organ and also helps in maintaining body equilibrium. Human ear is divided in to External, Middle and Internal ear.External ear consists of a flap like structure called Pinna. It leads to auditory canal. The pinna is crumpled and is made up of cartilage. Middle ear plays an important role in amplifying the vibrations received on the ear drum. The chain of three bones Malleus, Incus and Stapes helps in amplification of sound.

1. Draw the out line of the ear as well as internal ear as shown.

2. Now focus on drawing Ear drum and three bones Malleus, Incus and stapes as shown.

3.Draw the Cochlea and three semicircular canals as shown.

4. Give double line for Auditory canal and Eustachian tube.

5. Put lot of neat dots around to represent the bone
of the skull.

6. Label the parts neatly as shown.

cont:-Internal ear consists of bony labyrinth enclosing membranous labyrinth which consists of Vestibule, three semicircular canals and Cochlea. Cochlea is a spiral shaped structure. It has three paralled tubes called Scala vesibuli, Scala media and Scala tymphani. Two individual nerves arise, one from vestibule and another from cochlea.


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Divya Puri said...

This is the most helpful resource in the world. Helps me so much in my Biology record drawings. Thank you so much B Kiran!

Anonymous said...

That's looking very beautiful

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